Publication edited by E. Latoszek and A. Kłos "Global Public Goods and Sustainable Development in the Practice of International Organizations.Responding to Challenges of Today’s World"
A book edited by E. Latoszek & A. Kłos "Global Public Goods and Sustainable Development in the Practice of International Organizations. Responding to Challenges of Today’s World" is available on the website of the Brill publishing house:
This volume examines in an innovative and applied perspective the interdependence between the role of international organizations, the existence of global public goods and the need of sustainable development. Moreover, it is set within the context of current challenges in today’s world of dramatic transition and clearly responds to the need for filling the existing research gap in this area. It also demonstrates excellent knowledge of primary resources and a very good mastery of the various concepts and policy issues. Moreover, it offers an important added value to the theory, research and recent publications of the concerned broad study field.
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